Linux Command Gain Infiniti

Linux Command

You must aware that the linux command must be type in small latter and each commands have saperated with space:-

                                        (some basic command)

1. man = this command is useful to get information about any other command man(manual).e.g (man commandname).  

2. date = it is use for to see the your computer time.By the use of its option you can see any format of date.for detail about this command type( man date ) on terminal(command promt).e.g (Fri Aug 12 11:31:01 EDT 2011)

3. ls = it is use for see the all file or subdirectory in current for more info. type (man ls).

4. ls -l = it is option of ls command which is use for see the long listing files in current directory you can also see the read/write permission of file.

5. who = By this command you can see how many user work on the computer.e.g
 anyname   tty7         2011-08-12 11:02 (:0)
 anyname   pts/0        2011-08-12 11:04(:0)

here tty7 means terminal in which you work and pts/0 it means user.

6. cat = display the content of type (cat filename).

7. wc = to count how many line,word,char in your file.type (wc filename).
         e.g 2  2 2(line),2(words),17(char).wc(word count).

 mv = you can move one file into another file.type (mv oldfilename newfilename).

9. cp = to make copy of  file.type (cp oldfilename newfilename).

10. rm = remove file from computer.type (rm filename).

11. grep = you can search something like word or anything from file.type (grep filename).

12. sort = it is use sort the file like reverse,ascending,descending etc.
        use some option like:
    sort -r =   for reverse.
    sort -n =  for numeric.
    sort -nr = for reverse mumber.
    sort -f  =   for full uppercase and lowercase.

13. wc -l filename = it is show how many lines in file.

14. tail filename = it is print last lines from the file.

15. head filename = it is print from the head file.

16. echo * = to print  the  all files in current directory.

17. echo anyname = it print anyname just after enter .it is work like printf.

18. rm * = it is remove all those files from computer in which you are in current directory at time.

19. du = it is show how many disk are used.du(disk uses).

20. pwd = it will show the current directory.pwd(print working directory).      

                                                                                         To be countinued. 


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